As a jury member in design awards in NYC, Tokyo, Milan and Düsseldorf, I am updated on visual identity, graphic design and not least logodesign.
For the past 20 years, I have designed and implemented logos for 300 companies and brands, and have received 14 design diplomas.
- Since 2012 I have received eleven international design diplomas for logo designs.
- As a jurymember in 3 different international designawards, its easy to follow the trends in logodesign and graphic design.
- I always give you a firm offer which includes an unconditional satisfaction guarantee.
- Every logo you see on my website is my design only. All have been implemented in the respective companies.
- I always present the customer with a draft that contains at least three conceptual solutions to a logo design.
- I do not think that it’s necessary for a company to invest in both a logo design and a design manual.
- A company must have a uniform visual identity that originates from the company’s logo design.
- I feel that a logo should represent a relevant and original idea that mirrors a company’s values.
- A logo design must be long-lasting. On this website, you can find logos that I have designed over 20 years ago.
- I usually spent most of my ressources in the idea phase where I develop the design of the logo.
- A strong logo design attracts attention, sympathy, credibility and recognition.
- In a time where digital media dominates , it is – in addition to traditional media – also relevant to think animation into the logo design.
- I use my well-developed understanding of a company’s hard and soft values to translate this understanding into strong logos.
- An interesting logo balances between suggestion and symbolism so that it does not become neither a pictogram nor a rebus.
- I pursue my logos to create relevant associations and connotations without being too explicit. Often, they also contatin more than one idea.
I did a Google search for “award winning logo designer” and found Christian Baun on the other side of the world.” Miriam Spielman / CLI